As one of the most important parts of your home, it’s important to have your roof inspected on a regular basis. Doing so can help you spot issues with shingles, gutters, or downspouts before they become far worse and much more expensive to fix. Regular roof inspections can also minimize the risk that you void a warranty or other service guarantee associated with that part of your house.

Have the Roof Inspected Every Year

Ideally, you will have your home’s roof inspected at least once a year. You can choose when the inspection occurs, but most homeowners will have this done in the early spring or the late fall. An inspection during the early spring allows you to assess any damage that might have occurred during the colder winter months. Checking the roof late in the fall allows you to make repairs or take other actions before the cooler winter weather arrives.

What to Expect During a Roof Inspection

During a roof inspection, trained technicians will get on the roof itself to look for signs of shingle or underlayment damage. A technician will also look inside the gutters and the downspouts for signs of cracks, holes, or excess granules. Finally, an inspection will typically include a closer look inside the attic or other interior spaces for evidence of leaks.

Signs of Potential Damage

There are a number of clues that your roof is damaged and needs to be repaired or replaced quickly. For instance, if shingles are missing granules, it is often an indication that they are too old or too damaged to protect against sun and water issues. If a significant number of shingles have been blown off the roof, it may be time to consider replacing your roof. Widespread exposure to the elements could make repairs difficult.

Finding excess granules in the gutters or downspout is another clear sign that something is wrong because it means that they have come off the shingles themselves. If gutters or downspouts have cracks or gaps in them, it may allow water to flow back to the house instead of away from it.

Moisture in the attic or stains on interior walls might indicate that there is a leak in the roof. A leaky roof can cause damage to drywall, insulation, and other parts of the home even if you don’t notice any water coming into the house.

An Inspection May Reveal Things You Missed on Your Own

Perhaps the most important reason to get an inspection every year is that it can reveal issues that you can’t necessarily see on your own. For example, you might think that your roof is fine because your shingles don’t look damaged.

However, a closer inspection might reveal that they are incredibly stiff, which indicates that they are old or otherwise not as effective as they should be. An inspector might also determine that the shingles weren’t installed properly, which could damage them and reduce their useful life.

It’s also possible for water to get under a shingle, which would result in damage to underlayment. However, it might not necessarily cause noticeable damage to the part of the roof that you can see. Water leaks travel. Ultimately, you could have a significant moisture problem and not even know it unless a professional is allowed to take a look on a regular basis.

A Roof Can Fail at Any Time

You may think that you don’t need a roof inspection because your roof is still within its useful life. Typically, a shingle roof will last for about 20 years when properly installed and maintained. In some cases, it can last for up to 30 years depending on the weather and other factors.

Of course, just because a roof can last for up to 20 years doesn’t mean that this is a given. Even if you haven’t experienced a severe weather event, dealt with a pest issue, or encountered any other problems of note, a roof can still fail if you don’t look after it. Therefore, an annual roof inspection should be a priority no matter how recently it was installed.

Other Times When an Inspection Is Called For

A roof inspection may also be a good idea if you’re trying to sell your home or if you are in the process of buying a house. If you’re selling, an inspection will let you know of any defects that might need to be disclosed or any problems that you might be able to remedy before the house goes on the market. If you’re buying, an inspection may disclose issues that the seller might be willing to pay to fix.

You may also want to have your roof inspected after a severe weather event that produces lightning, hail, or gusty winds. This is because lightning or hail that strikes your roof can cause serious damage that you may or may not notice just by looking at it. Winds can also cause shingles to blow away or become more vulnerable to falling off in the future. This may be especially true if they were improperly nailed to the roof or are getting closer to the end of their useful lives.

Finally, you should have your roof inspected whenever you think that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. This is true even if you have already had your annual inspection and don’t think that enough time has passed for an issue to develop.

Potential Consequences of Not Inspecting Your Roof

Failing to have your roof inspected could result in a number of serious consequences. First, it could result in a localized issue becoming a widespread one. For instance, if a few shingles blow off of your roof, you can likely get away with replacing them. However, if you ignore the problem, it could lead to additional shingles falling off. Ultimately, you may need to replace the whole roof even if it’s still well within its useful life expectancy.

In addition, you may find that your insurance company won’t cover the cost of the replacement. Your insurance company may also decline to pay for any other damage to your house caused by a defective roof. For example, if water gets under shingles and makes its way down to the foundation, it could cause cracks to develop.

It’s unlikely that your claim would be approved as your insurance provider may say that damage was a result of homeowner negligence. You may also void any warranty or service guarantee provided by the contractor who put the roof on your house. Ultimately, you could be on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars in damage, and it’s possible that your home may be uninhabitable until the necessary repairs are made.

If you are in need of roof inspection services, put your confidence in our team at Fraser Roofing, LLC. Besides our office in Lilburn serving Metro Atlanta, we have locations throughout Georgia and South Carolina. After inspecting your roof, we can give it a clean bill of health, repair it, or replace it entirely if that’s what’s needed. We can also replace gutters or work with you to rectify damage caused by a severe weather event. Don’t hesitate to call us today to arrange a consultation.

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